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The Presidium Gem Indicator is the only handheld tester in the industry Presidium Gem Indicator; Calibration Disk (Disk 1 & Disk 2); USB cable; User
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I had to ship it back to the seller for fine calibration but it was still faulty. Do not buy it, waste of Buy PRESIDIUM Gem Tester II online at Lazada Singapore.
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The solid state probe pen requires no warm up time between tests and includes a built-in metal detector which will alert you if you have accidentally touched the mounting instead of the stone. RIDDGEM Presidium Gem Indicator, Handhållen Testare färgade ädelstenar The only handheld tester in the industry specifically for colored gemstones that Presidium Gem Indicator; Calibration Disk (Disk 1 & Disk 2); USB cable; User Includes: GemTester II, Probe Pen, AC Adapter, User Handbook, Warranty Registration Card, Case . Built-in Calibration (CAL) and Glass Test Discs .
Includes: GemTester II, Probe Pen, AC Adapter, User Handbook, Warranty Registration Card, Case . Built-in Calibration (CAL) and Glass Test Discs . Probe Pen
A newly redesigned inbuilt calibration reference and adjustment provides ease of operation both indoors and outdoors.The Presidium Gem Tester II features the industry's thinnest retractable probe tip (0.6mm) for testing colored gemstones as small as 0.02 carats.
If you have issues, reach out to the seller.. INDUSTRIES MOST TRUSTED gemstone tester redesigned
Presidium DuoTester is the only comprehensive tool on the market that combines t. colored gemstones Introducing Presidium's Assisted Thermal Calibration
A newly redesigned inbuilt calibration reference and adjustment provides ease of operation both indoors and outdoors. The Presidium Gem Tester II features the
Presidium Instruments Gem Tester II (PGT II) Now with Assisted Thermal Calibration (ATC) for Identifying Diamonds/Moissanites and
The Presidium® Gem Indicator is the only handheld tester in the industry Gem Indicator in environments at ambient temperatures of 23°C - 27°C. Calibration
NOTE: The calibration may be affected during shipping.
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PRESIDIUM.PH CORPORATION is authorized distributor of Fluke Industrial Group and Fluke Calibration products in the Philippines. Fluke Corporation is the world leader in the manufacture, distribution and service of electronic test tools, biomedical equipment and networking solutions. AJS stock a wide range of gem testing equipment for your jewellery making requirements. FAQs; Contact Us .
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Products 1 - 24 of 27 We supply wholesale diamond testers, gold testers, and moissanite testers. Shop our PGT-2 Presidium Gem Tester II Out of Stock. $319
1.1 & 1.2) Fig. 1.1 Fig 1.2 Fig. 2 2. Adjust the indication needle so that it moves to the center of the red “CAL” strip Presidium Gem Tester II (PGT II) - Assisted Thermal Calibration - YouTube The industry’s most trusted colored gemstone tester is now redesigned to be more compact, sturdy and portable.In it’s Introducing Presidium’s Assisted Thermal Calibration (ATC) function using newly redesigned in-built calibration discs to ensure accurate and consistent tests for both indoors and outdoors operation. Presidium Duo Tester II (PDT II) is the only comprehensive tool on the market that combines two proven testing methods for gemstones.